No longer was this suit looking like something you could buy from Party City like in the 1977 series The Amazing Spider-Man. When you look at every live-action Spider-Man costume, you can see throughout the years the transitions getting better and better.

But none of the suits are that much fun to wear. I would say, just practically my suit is the best, because I have zippers on my wrist so that I can get my hands out. The eye shape is just the most open and friendly and, I don't know, sweet. The eyes on mine are definitely the best. In an early excerpt from Marvel's Spider-Man: No Way Home- The Art of the Movie (via Comic Book Movie ), Andrew Garfield made a compelling case for why his Spider-Man suit is the best. At the same time, you want the expression to go into the costume since you can’t see Peter Parker’s face as he saves lives and fights his foes. The design of Spider-Man’s suit is very important as you want to portray the look of Stan Lee’s web-slinging hero well.