The watermarked file will functionally be the same as a standard file except it will have a big "Vectorworks Educational Version" bug on the top and bottom of each printed plate, and any PDF exports will be locked down.

You will usually get a dialog notification that the drawing is watermarked and using assets out of the drawing will watermark other drawings. Watermark I advise students and interns fairly often who are using the student version of the software and have never had a problem opening their drawing. The only time I've ever had VW refuse to open a drawing is if it was made in a newer version than you are trying to open it on, or if the drawing was created on an illegal copy of Vectorworks, which I've only ever encountered once and outside of refusing to open the drawing, it will actually launch a browser window explaining the situation.Īll that being said, this is the case for North America, I don't know if international versions are more locked down with their Educational licenses. It's a pain to work with and I get very annoyed when a collaborator sends me a watermarked drawing in a professional setting, but it's totally workable.

I advise students and interns fairly often who are using the student version of the software and have never had a problem opening their drawing.